Asset Valuation

We provide valuation services related to various categories of immovable assets viz. apartments, land and buildings, large/medium/small vacant land assets in urban, suburban and rural areas, factory sites, retail & commercial premises, IT towers and the like; we also provide valuation services for movable assets like plant and machinery, intangibles and so on; read on for more info.

Immovable properties

We advise you on the valuation aspects of the property before you take a decision on purchase, lease, hire and the like-read on for more info.

BVE - Asset Valuation/immovable-properties
BVE - Asset Valuation/movable-assets

Movable assets

We provide valuation services related to plant & machinery of different types which come under various industry segments; read on for more info.


Intangibles and brand valuation

We provide valuation of intangibles including brand valuation by analyzing the relative strengths of the various intangibles and the brands-read on for more info.

BVE - Asset Valuation/intangibles-and-brand-valuation
BVE - Asset Valuation/business-valuation

Business valuation

We provide valuation of the business as a whole taking into account the various aspects like products, services , operations, market situation, physical and financial assets, HR, intangibles, internal and external parameters and so on – read on for more info.
