Immovable properties
Our analysis of property values will cover various aspects like locational parameters, marketability, development profile of the neighborhood, demand mapping, value enhancing and value diluting aspects of the assets, macro level real estate trends, micro market parameters and the realistic value of the property; the analysis will be made using data gathered from various sources; the data will be analyzed using scientific tools and value trends interpreted using statistical approach; the final recommendation of asset value will be realistic and reflect the value on an arms-length basis.
Documents/information required
- Address
- Route map
- Contact person details
- Approved and actual plans of the property
- Copy of the agreement with the developer/owner if any
- Legal opinion on the property
- FMB sketches pertaining to the concerned survey nos.
- Copy of patta , chitta and adangal as applicable !
- We may seek additional information / documents to ensure proper analysis !
- There could be some site specific documents also !
For the asset valuation services, commercials will be based on the location, type, size and other parameters of the of the asset; it will be decided based on the specifics of the case.